Sunday, July 17, 2011

California Wishin...

Last Monday, Rihanna came to Birmingham for a tornado relief concert. Remember that BIG, MASSIVE tornado back in April. There are so many people that are still in the healing process, while others are still grieving. It really will be something that takes many many years to overcome. Rihanna came and Rihanna bared A LOT, however, Rihanna was pretty awesome. I must say, if it weren't for it being a benefit concert, I probably would not have gone. Nonetheless, I am glad I did, because we all had a blast. I wouldn't recommend her songs or shows for young viewers, but she really can sing.

And let's not forget she did come out towards the end in an ALABAMA jersey and even sang "Sweet Home Alabama." We take that pretty personal, and it is pretty awesome that she did that. Call us crazy, but we could never get enough of it. Roll Tide Roll. (and if you are wondering, that is said during the chorus, after every "Sweet Home Alabama.")

Like so...
"Sweet home Alabama ROLL TIDE ROLL
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama ROLL TIDE ROLL
Lord, I'm coming home to you"

So thank you Rihanna. You were pretty spectacular.


  1. how cool! sounds like she put on an awesome show!
    Love the new blog name by the way!

  2. It looks like you had an amazing time!

    You have a fabulous blog by the way! I will definitly be checking back to read more of your posts!

    All the best,


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