I am actually on my way to Fort Myers for a wedding. I am so excited. A mini vacay is always needed. However, I am missing Halloween and I love dressing up. But no complaining here, the weekend will be wonderful and I will have pictures to post as soon as I am home. For now, I will show you two of my favorite superheros. It might sound cheesy, but they have saved my life in more ways than I can count.
Princess Pink, Ryleigh, only mostly wears JUST pink, a girl after my own heart. She didn't mind what she wore as long as it was... Pink. She is supergirl, making her most fierce pose. Pretty stellar right?
And baby Judson didn't have much of a choice, but he sure does look handsome as Superman.
I don't have a picture of Will in his Halloween costume just yet, but I am sure I will as soon as I get back. Can't wait to post them all! Are any of you dressing up? I can't wait to see the pictures.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween weekend!