Everything happens for a reason.
All we have to do is believe.
Sometimes that just doesn't feel like enough.
Although we may question and always wonder, whatever is going to happen will happen.
I question.
Its only normal.
We wonder
what led us here.
Or not so much
what led us, but
why we were led in this direction.
I know
I talk about it all the time.
It was those choices, the ones I made.
I seem to always need an answer.
For everything. Whether I like it or not. It is that over analyzer thing going on.
I either need an answer, or I will figure out one on my own.
That's why I like
google so much.
It seriously has an answer for everything. Well, almost everything.
The big important questions I can't ever seem to find on
google, or
bing, or
And let's be clear, I am very partial to google. Those are just the other websites for anyone else who might use them instead.
So I have to search a little deeper.
I don't want to question, but I do.
I don't have every answer to that question. However, I am coming to a new chapter in my life.One that several friends have already begun.One that doesn't involve class, late night study parties, and too many red bulls.No, it involves the real world.The life after the madness, or maybe that is when the real madness begins.No one really knows for sure.
Google sure doesn't have that answer.Let's be honest, I just knew I would be settled down at this point. And by settled, we are talking settled, close to a future with someone else.Let's be even more honest, that is nowhere in sight.Of course, I know what happened.I even know some of the why. But the big picture, I still questioned. Until the other day. I am going to be a little corny. I always knew, or thought that I knew that my brothers and sister and I would have children and a family around the same age. You know, so they could all grow up with one another.I love the bond of close families.I think it is one of the most special things EVER. It makes me happy. I always dreamed that is how my life would play out. Well, like mentioned earlier, I am nowhere near that stage in my life.So the niece and nephews might help raising my littles one day. That is okay too.I know we still be as close as we are.But what is even better? The bond I have with some very special little ones. It is a bond I talk about very much, because no one could ever put into words how it makes me feel. I know that if I were to be settled down, or in a different place right this moment, that bond would not be nearly as close.I am thankful to still be
just a college student, and just a part time worker. I can see them whenever I want. And I do.Because I love
playing in tents, and
running from the monsters, and
watching Cinderella 3 days in a row.
I promise you, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
So I don't need an answer.
I don't need to know
why is pretty clear these days.