Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recent Photo + Blog Title = Day One

here is a recent photo. (I accidentally deleted the other one, and I am not on my computer to get. it. I was at the beach, but this night we were not

at mikee's. a beloved stop on our annual family beach trip.

now, about my blog title, and if you noticed, it has changed. really it has changed because i like the font and how it all looks. but it was hard deciding between the two. so if you look under my about me tab, then you will find the other title. PROBLEM SOLVED. anyways,"L is for Lindsey" was my first myspace name. i really have no idea where it came from, but sometimes my brain just has little quirks of goofiness. And that quick little brain freeze is where it came from. i have blogged in the past about being just a little girl, lost in the moment. that is still so true. i take my days as they come, i take the moments as they are handed to me, and count my blessings as often as i can. but on the flip side, i am still finding my way, paving my path, and doing tons of soul searching along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Can you and I just get together and dive into blog world one day??? I know things have been 'whatever' but I think you know that the two conflicting (formerly conflicting) parties have reached "quite and agreement" hahaha. But, I'll explain later. We are best friends.. that blonde boy and I. Apologies for the weird journey this past month (+week). We've been hanging for 2 weeks. So, I need you back in my life to say the least! Call me, tweet me, guest blog for me! I'm going to ask you whether you accept this apology or not. Haha! But I mean it, it's out there in our sacred blog space... blogs and karaoke - our vices ;)

    I love the new title! And it's simple, and it's your url right?
    I'm about to comment on the last post too because I'm loving the h-e-double hockey sticks out of the fact that you are doing Becca's challenge! I need to start it up. More down there :)


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